Tale of Immortal - Official Launch Trailer - 鬼谷八荒正式版预告

踏遍八荒,寻仙筑梦。 Dear cultivators, after two years of Early Access stage development, the official version of Tale of Immortal will be released on May 26th between 11am and 1pm UTC. Over the past few months we have further optimised the game and added some new content, and we sincerely hope that this update will please our players. We will be updating the game from time to time with more interesting content in the future, so please stay tuned. Furthermore, you will also be able to receive a DLC for free when this version launches (this event will last for seven days) 踏遍八荒,寻仙筑梦。 各位亲爱的道友,大家好,鬼谷八荒经过两年多的EA开发,即将于5月26日辰时(19点至21点)更新正式版。在此版本中,我们对游戏的各方面内容进行了优化和补充,希望能给大家带来更好的体验。我们后续还会不定期更新能被框架所容纳的有趣内容,敬请期待。 于此同时,届时登陆Steam,还可以免费领取独立玩法DLC不归玄境,此优惠将持续7天,大家到时候不要忘记领取了哦。 Steam: Twitter:
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