Five Post-Punk Acts From The Post-Soviet Region

Five random Post-Punk acts from the Post-Soviet region that I enjoy. The video talks about Roman Sidorov (Роман Сидоров) and his projects such as Der Golem, Sedativ and Fatal. The legendary 90s Georgian scene as represented by the bands such as Plakqsa and Children´s Medicine. The cult underground band from Russia called Mat Tereza (Мать Тереза) as well as underground legends from Kazakhstan called Alternativnaya Kosmonavtika (альтернативная космонавтика). All footage and music belong to their respective owners. Links to the music Fatal Der Golem Plakqsa Mat Tereza (Мать Тереза) If Alternativnaya Kosmonavtika, Sedativ, or Children´s Medicine uploads their music to streaming services or places such as Bandcamp, please
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