Towards solving the problem of not getting pregnant in a young nomadic woman #deoora

Hello dear viewers After their romantic acquaintance, which was the result of months of family conflict, Fatima and Nemat were finally able to get married and are always trying to fulfill their commitment to Fatima’s mother. On the other hand, they have recently realized that Fatima has a problem with pregnancy and cannot conceive naturally. Accordingly, they are trying to solve this problem by referring to expert doctors. Also, by buying a tanker, they were able to improve the condition of the bathroom in the winter house. ______________________________ Please click on me! _____________________________________ #NomadicLife #FamilyConflict #wedding #nomadicparty#IntenseDrama #peren #taraz #doora #chendar #Bravewilderness #oghab #Dria #TIR #DENA #chaver #deoora #plerd #MountainHome #riverside#sholiz #nomadic #deoora#deora #ROD #perk #deoora #daral
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