’win The War’ Pageant (1914-1918)

’Win The War’ Pageant - Birmingham, West Midlands. (This is mixed up parts of various stories.) Marching band coming down street. DS parade; with huge building in bg and on it huge sign: ’Birmingham’s Win the War Day - Sat’y September 21’. More DS parade. CU Shot of group in various types uniforms. CU women war workers on float waving; sign on float says they are helping win war by replacing workers in the gas works. Pan over large crowd in park. Men with signs from British Workers League (this part a repeat from an earlier entry) Shot looking over people’s heads at parade approaching. Fade to shot from high window; very impressive view of absolutely massive parade; street filled with soldiers marching and pavements filled with other people walking along with parade! Excitement! Then a crowd facing away from camera; flags of Allied nations held up; and more Workers League signs. More repeat from other story as is next shot; of trade union banners in parade coming round corner. More shots o
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