US Aircraft Carrier Destroyed with ONE SHOT of China DF-17 Hypersonic Missile

US Aircraft Carrier Destroyed with ONE SHOT of China DF-17 Hypersonic Missile the Chinese DF-17 hypersonic missile can do damage, and the state of its progress toward possible operational service, is still somewhat unknown. However, saying the U.S. Navy is likely to take the threat very seriously, could probably qualify as an understatement. Carrier defenses are increasingly layered, multi-domain, and equipped with new avenues of protection to include electronic warfare (EW), laser interceptors, and aerial nodes able to network threat information to surface ships. The question is, just how much could some of these new defensive innovations succeed in finding, tracking, and destroying an approaching hypersonic weapon. An interesting report in The Drive’s Warzone, claims that the DF-17 “carrier killer” can hit speeds of Mach 10 or 7,600 mph.
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