Historical Hair Care Grew My Hair to Hip Length! Here’s How
I have been practising historical hair care for the past 6 years, and it grew my hair to hip length! This after having a chin length hair cut and having never been able to grow very long or healthy hair my whole life (up until now!) In this video I will be explaining:
*My hair history and how it’s led me to the methods I now use
*The unusual hair detangling method that has helped to retain hair length
*How historical hair care drastically differs from modern hair care in its attitudes and results
*How not using conventional shampoos has helped my hair to grow (and thrive)
*The natural, homemade concoctions I use in my hair. Hint: I only use products in my hair that are edible
*How historical hairstyles actually helped to grow long hair. Hint: it’s about length retention
Have you ever looked at those historical photos and paintings of women with surreally long hair, and then looked at the many thousands of people today who desperately desire long tresses, but their hair simply refuses to grow past a certain point, and wondered . . . maybe those historical women knew something we don’t?
When I chopped off my hair to chin length 6 years ago, it was time to drastically rethink my hair routine. Previous generations clearly knew how to grow long hair - and I was ready to figure out the secret, even if it meant throwing out everything I’d been taught about modern hair care.
This routine dramatically differs from almost all modern hair care routines, especially those typically recommended for people with curly hair like me! (ie. “curly girl method“)
To give credit where credit is due, I have learned a lot from the natural kinky hair community here on Youtube, who are one of the few ethnic communities still practicing these gentle, natural hair care techniques. Due to my own hair’s dry, curly texture, it loves these gentle, moisturizing ways of care.
Throughout this video, I will refer to “hair growth“ synonymously with “length retention“ (ie. avoiding breakage). For 99% of people, their hair is always growing, but if their hair care practices are constantly breaking their hair off at the ends, they will never see that growth. This was my own experience before beginning my current historical hair care routine. Keep watching to see how I changed that!
✍ Blog post for this video:
Rhassoul clay I use:
Ayurvedic Hair Oil Recipe @curlyproverbz (I’ve been using this for years) -
Ultra-natural hair conditioner brand I love:
💇🏻♀️ Recommended Hair Care Products
Silk Sleeping Bonnet -
Microfibre Hair Towel -
Satin Srunchies -
Jojoba Oil -
Jamaican Black Castor Oil -
Shea Butter -
Rhassoul Clay -
Boar Bristle Brush -
Shampoo Brush -
💇Holdi-Locks hair up-do tools:
Use code “KAT10“ at checkout to receive 10% off your order!
“Bun-Maker“ Kit:
Gentle hair “barrette“:
⏰ Time Stamps ⏰
0:00 - Intro
1:01 - Why Historical Hair Care?
1:33 - Who is This Video For?
2:19 - What’s Up With Historical Women’s Ultra-Long Hair?
5:40 - The 4 Main Sections of this video
6:23 - My Hair History
7:34 - My Experience With the “Curly Girl“ Method
13:29 - Historical Vs. Modern Hair Care
20:15 - My Historical Hair Care Tenets
20:22 - Dry Finger Detangling
21:12 - Problems with Wet-Detangling Hair
24:13 - Historical Women (Mainly) Dry-Detangled Their Hair
25:24 - Historical Boar Bristle Hair Brushing
26:46 - My Personal Dry-Detangling Approach (for curly hair)
29:34 - “No Poo“ Method - Rare and Gentle Hair Washing
31:54 - Rhassoul Clay Hair Washing
33:40 - Minimal Hair Product Usage
34:54 - Hair and Scalp Oiling
37:42 - Protective Styles
40:47 - Weekly Hair Routine Demo
40:52 - Dry Finger Detangling
42:25 - Daily Protective Styling
44:51 - Pre-Wash Oil Treatment
46:04 - Clay Wash Recipe and Routine
50:24 - Finished Hair Results
51:02 - Conclusion
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📖 “Victorian Custom Corset-Making“ Course:
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