MagicCraft - P2E NFT Gameplay Android APK iOS

MagicCraft - P2E NFT Gameplay Android APK iOS MagicCraft - PVP多人戰鬥MOBA區塊鏈遊戲 Android APK iOS | 肯魚 MagicCraft is a PVP Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game (MOBA) with an advanced guild system, taxes, and economy. Players may team up with each other and build clans to fight other clans on the platform. Launching first with 16 main characters, each with different traits, skills, powers and abilities, the MagicCraft world is completely scalable, built to gradually expand from a MOBA game into a complex and challenging massively multiplayer experience. The world of MagicCraft waits for you. 【Size】883MB 【Android】 【iOS】 【APK】 【Official】 【Play on PC】 【Twitter】 【Facebook】 【VK】 #MagicCraft #Kenyugames ©MagicCraft Ltd.
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