Magyar • Uyghur • Bashkir - Ancient TURanian roots (Sumer-Subartu: R1b / R1a / Q1a)
Andronovo culture:
Uigurs, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, some other peoples of Siberia, Central Asia and the Urals descend in part from the ancient R1b1 branch, and by now retain the same haplogroup for 16,000 years. Comparison of R1b haplotypes of the Uigurs on the one hand, and Chuvashes, Bulgars, and Hungarians on the other, shows that the Uigurs usually have the more ancient subgroup R1b1b1, which predominantly remained in Asia. The common ancestor of both Asian and European haplotypes lived in Asia 16000 years ago. That apparently is the minimum lower time limit for the Proto-Türkic languages. The R1b haplotypes in the Balkans have “12“ in that marker in 50% of the cases, in Italy 27%. In Slovenia that parameter is 20%, with the “age“ of the common ancestor 4250 ± 600 years. All these are a branch of the Türks, “Kurganians“, “ancient Pit Gravers“, that crossed from the Eastern European Plain either directly around the Black Sea to the Balkans, and further on to the the Apennines, or through the Asia Minor. The others, went to Europe via Anatolia through the Middle East, North Africa to the Pyrenees. That was a Beaker Culture.
18% of the Magyar Szeklers have R1b1, 15% have R1a1. Another one initial “Türkic“ haplogroup Q numbers 4%. The first four haplotypes have allele 12 in the first marker (16% of the total, much higher than the typical European 3-5%), which corresponds to the “Kurgan Culture“ ancient haplotype. Apparently, that is the starting point of the Hungarian Seklers ancestral migration. As a result, the Sekler haplotypes of the R1b1b2 haplogroup already represent a younger age of these Türkic carriers of the R1b (common ancestors 4000 ybp). The Türkic-lingual Asian carriers of R1b remained in Asia. 5700-5100 years ago in the North Kazakhstan they established Botai Archeological Culture, and according to the latest data 5500 years ago domesticated the horse (Archaeology, Jan-Feb 2010). In addition to the Botai settlement dated 3700-3100 BC, definitely haplogroup R1b, since the carriers of the R1a1 appeared in those places were only one and a half - two thousand years later. ()
Bearers of R1b haplogroup along their migration route to the M. East and S. Mesopotamia apparently have established the Sumer culture (and the state), moving westward to Europe (5000-4500 ybp) carrying mainly the R-M269 subclade and its downstream L23 subclade.
Genetic evidence has linked early Magyars eastward as well to the Ujghurs, living in East-Eurasia around the town of Ürümqi (China, East Turkestan). The name of several Magyar tribes are of Oghur origin which may prove that Oghur tribes also joined to the Magyars.
Approaches based on “map-stratification“ have compared burial sites, ornamental motifs (tulips, cranes), leather and felt garments, mythological images, sacrificial cauldrons, folk poetry, folk music, lullabies, together with written documents and genetic findings to narrow down the most likely Magyar urheimat to the grassy land surrounded by four freshwater lakes (Caspian, Aral, Balkhash, and Baikal).
Scientists has been struggling with the ancient roots of the nomadic Turkic tribes for a long time, and while they lean toward Mesopotamian roots, at least in the case of their ruling caste, there were many tribes and we know little about these people or the route of their migration from the Near East to Mongolia due to an immense falsification of history. Commited by “Power-X“-like organizations such as the Vatican.
We know that reports of the Turkic Xiongnu appear in their annals around 1200 B.C. This would have, assumedly, been after the Trojan War which spurred so much movement of peoples around the Black Sea region.
Various myths and name-connections suggest that Subartu was the fount from where these Turkic nomadic tribes originated, and it’s curious that this is where the Mittani appeared. We can’t forget however that these tribes were, generally speaking, caucasian (i.e. blue eyed, red or blond haired) as noted in the Chinese annals and evident from mummies dug up in Mongolia. Should the nomadic “Turkic tribes“ who eventually formed the kingdom of Khazaria in this “dragon-culture“ narrative be pegged to Subartu, one of the “four quarters“ named in Akkadian texts?
Scythia, inhabited by related peoples sometimes referred to as “Gogi“, from which the nomadic “Turkic“ tribes sprang, many of whom migrated to Mongolia to become the Xiongnu and later (on their way back) the Hunnic federation which included the Magyars, Khazars, Bulgars etc.
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