Super Weapon!! Ukraine uses BGM-71 in knocking out Russian tanks, How great is this TOW missile?

BMG-71 TOW, known as one of the deadliest army tank destroyer weapons today. In the Ukrainian military, these missiles are usually mounted on light armored vehicles or pickups. The operating range of the standard version, the BMG-71 is capable of gliding as far as 3 km, and the latest variant can be fired as far as km at the target, with a maximum glide speed of 278 to 320 meters per second. The BMG-71 has several variants, the most advanced version of the TOW missile, can strike targets from a distance of 4,500 meters, and is often used against tanks, bunkers, urban buildings, and field fortifications. This capability makes the TOW an important weapon for Ukraine’s defense today. BGM-71 TOW, one of the most widely used anti-tank weapons in the world. Later, the deployment of the missile currently used by the Ukrainian armed forces further highlighted its popularity.
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