How To Create a Killer Go-To-Market (GTM) Strategy | Dose 009

Why do founders often fail to properly pitch their GTM strategy? Book Office Hours with Dreamit Ventures ► Tell us more about your startup ► In this #DreamitDose, Dreamit Managing Partner Steve Barsh discusses what founders get wrong when talking about “go to market strategy“ (“GTM”). When pitching your GTM strategy to investors, it’s crucial to define clear targeting criteria that presents a clear picture of your initial and later target customers. Then, you must convince investors that customers will gain more value from your product than from your competition and that you have developed a strategy for distributing your product to the market. Founders often confuse “go to market strategy” with “marketing strategy” or “sales strategy.” In this video, you’ll learn how to talk about your target customer segment, how to create a litmus test that helps you stay on track to sell to these customers, and how
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