Basing Guide: Desert Ruin Bases [Easy]

Are your miniatures ready to battle in the desert heat? Check out our latest tutorial where we teach you to easily achieve this ancient look with just a few steps! Timecodes 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Assembly 0:55 - Painting 2:23 - Applying Vegetation Basing Materials used: BITS & TEXTURE GamersGrass Basing Bits, Statues and Columns: AMMO by MIG: Light Earth Ground PAINTS Primer (spray): Fosco Industries: Desert Ground color: AK Interactive Dark Flesh Bits main coat: AK Interactive Medium Rust; AK Interactive Medium Sand Drybrush: AK Interactive Ivory Pigment: Vallejo Rust VEGETATION GamersGrass Tiny Beige: GamersGrass Red Aloe: Models for illustration by Games Workshop #gamersgrass #basingtutorial #miniaturebasing #desertruins #desertbases #ruinbases #desertruinbase
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