Byzantine Choir from Panagiotis Kalambakas | Византийский хор Панайотиса Каламбакаса
Byzantine music is the music of the Byzantine Empire. Originally it consisted of songs and hymns composed to Greek texts used for courtly ceremonials, during festivals, or as paraliturgical and liturgical music. The ecclesiastical forms of Byzantine music are the best known forms today, because different Orthodox traditions still identify with the heritage of Byzantine music, when their cantors sing monodic chant out of the traditional chant books such as sticherarion, which in fact consisted of five books, and the heirmologion.
1 view
11 years ago 00:05:11 21
Τρισάγιον Byzantine Music Choir Ergastiri Psaltikis
11 years ago 00:07:49 10
TERIREM - Byzantine Choir “Tropos“
13 years ago 00:03:15 32
†Macedonian byzantine orthodox music†-choir Jovan Harmosin
11 years ago 00:06:26 28
Αργή Δοξολογία Χουρμουζίου, Byzantine Music Choir Ergastiri Psaltikis
12 months ago 01:07:07 1
The Greek Byzantine Choir - The Era of Byzantion - Byzantine Hymns
12 years ago 00:05:21 15
Ότε Καιρός, Byzantine Music Choir Ergastiri Psaltikis
12 years ago 00:04:41 44
“Δούλοι Κύριον...“Ήχος δ’ (Άγια) byzantine choir of chanters Trikkis Melodoi
11 months ago 00:05:59 1
Lykourgos Angelopoulos and his Greek Byzantine Choir