Brian Provinciano - Pixel Perfect_ Doing Retro Right

When developing a pseudo retro game, the subtle details can make or break the experience. Observing original hardware limitations can actually improve the game’s quality as opposed to limit it. This talk goes into the technical details of how 8-BIT hardware worked and why, how games were developed in the ’80s, and which limitations to observe in the balance between user experience and presentation. Such aspects include which screen resolutions to use, how to scale the screen, which colors to use, how to use them, how screen fades should be done, and so on. Brian Provinciano runs Entertainment, a PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, and PC development studio. Developer of the award winning Retro City Rampage, Brian single-handedly did all of the programming, design, business and marketing. Prior to founding Vblank, Brian gained experience working for other studios from small to AAA, casual to core. 2013-07-25
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