Frozen 2 - Into the Unknown (ACAPELLA) Panic! At The Disco

Like Share Subscribe (means so much!) Hit that bell for me too 🔔 Who’s ready for FROZEN 2?! If it’s anything like “Into the Unknown“ it’s definitely gonna be pretty freakin epic!! When I first heard Panic at the Disco’s version of Into the Unknown, I just fell in love with it and knew I had to try my own version :) Anyways, hope ya like my acapella take on so fun to recreate! 🎧 Download or stream this cover on Spotify, Apple, etc: My first original album “Rise Up“ available now! 💽 Physical copies (signed/unsigned): 🎧 Digital Download: 🎵 Stream/download on Spotify, iTunes, Google etc: 🤘Get the official RISE UP T-Shirt: SO incredibly grateful for my patreon family and their continued make my music possible! I wouldn’t be able to do this without them and they are some of my favorite people EVER! Wanna join the fam? click here to support - KEEP IN TOUCH: SUBSCRIBE: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: All original song compositions by: Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert Lopez Vocal arrangement by: Nick Wright () Engineered, mixed & mastered by: Jared Halley Filmed, edited & produced by: Jared Halley
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