Following In Father’s Footsteps No. 3 (1935)

Titles read: “Now Pathetone has pleasure in presenting - ’Following In Father’s Footsteps’ (No. 3) - Compere - Ralph Coram“. London (probably Pathe studio). Ralph Coram introduces Virginia May Moore Duprez (?), daughter of May Moore Duprez, “the little Dutch girl“. Virginia skips onto the set in a Dutch outfit and does an impression of her mother - she sings a song, ’Gretchen’ in a cod Dutch accent and does a little dance. The next act is Frank Formby, son of the late George Formby (George Formby Senior). He sings one of his father’s songs - with his eyes closed for most of it! The song is ’Standing at the Corner of the Street’ (?). He’s not as good as George Junior! The next performer is Maisie Weldon, daughter of the late comic Harry Weldon. She does a brief impersonation of her father then a great impression of Jessie Matthews! She then does Jeanette MacDonald. The three performers join hands with Ralph to sing “We’re following in Father’s footsteps, following the dear old dad!“ FILM
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