“All Quiet“ And “Not So Quiet“ (1931)

“All quiet on the sea front where Eve gathers for the angling festival - but the fish forgot the appointment.“ M/S of a group of a dozen women holding fishing rods. Dissolve into a shot of the women casting off from a pier. Another shot of the girls fishing. “Not so quiet, however, on the Firbright front where the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry are in training.“ Women in uniform stand to attention then perform a “Gas Mask relay race“. Various shots of the race in progress. “While patience seeks - in vain - its reward on one front.“ MS of woman fishing from the pier. More shots of the women anglers. “...hard training brings efficiency on the other.“ M/S of two women struggling to put a tire on a lorry. M/S of Red Cross lorry. Various shots of two women racing to prepare their jeep for the off. Man in military uniform seems to be a judge. Group of people spectate. Various shots of Red Cross lorries being driven around. “Hope.“ Woman angler is silhouetted against sunset on the sea.
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