PrinceWhateverer - Taking Flight (a song for the Wonderbolts)

IMPORTANT STUFF HERE!! I didn’t put the lyrics over the video like i normally do because i didn’t want to obscure the AWESOME artwork done here by: much love to him for doing this for me! XD ^^ okay! so yeah, i haven’t released a song in like FOREVER! but i hope you guys like this one! there’s some kind of story behind the lyrics i guess? but i dunno, lol i’ll let you decide for yourself XD LYRICS: you see us soar through the sky flight goggles shining bright with wings of steel faster than anypony who can fly we are the speedy cure we’re what you’re looking for the antidote sent to impress crowds who always want more some say that we’re all fake boy thats a big mistake i challenge anypony, life or death your choice to make ’cause we will not back down ill turn this right around these rumors stain our legacy of which i am so proud
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