Before The Trump Scandal: How Comedian Zelensky Became Ukraine’s President

Ukraine’s second presidential election since the 2014 revolution is an unlikely race - between the current president, Petro Poroshenko and a popular TV star, Volodymyr Zelensky. Poroshenko’s star has faded considerably five years after he took office. Many voters are frustrated at the slow pace of reforms, a stagnant economy, and the ongoing war with Russia in the east which has seen 13,000 fatalities. ‘I don’t feel any kind of euphoria,’ Poroshenko told reporters at a press conference after the exit poll figures were announced on Sunday evening. ‘I critically and soberly understand the signal that society gave today.’ And he might have an uphill battle to stay in office - currently, the run-off on April 21 is Zelensky’s to lose. The comedian and actor has led almost every opinion poll since he announced his candidacy on New Year’s Eve. Zelensky has zero political experience, but he’s familiar with being President - because he plays one in a popular TV comedy show, Servant of the
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