Sasha Brown. Chest & triceps workout / Тренировка груди и трицепса.mov

Sneak peek of my new website . New videos of workouts, healthy recipes and tips. Stay tuned. Sign up for my Newsletter on Chest and triceps workout 1. Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 12 10 8 7 (reps, 60-90 sec rest) 2. Dumbbell Fly 12 10 8 7 3. Machine chest press 12 10 8 7 4. Machine Fly 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 (30 sec rest) 5. Overhead dumbbell extension 12 10 8 7 6. Triceps kickback with dumbbell 12 10 8 7 7. Dips 12 12 12 12
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