Dracula style (Gangnam style parody)

Enjoyed this video? Want to see more? Please hit the “like“ symbol, post it on your FB wall and send it to your friends. The more hits we gett; the greater the chances we will do more of it. The “Count Dracula Style Parody“ full and short versions will soon be available on . See lyrics of full version below. Thank you to Miguel @ casa digital for super music and recording, Eric Finke for great editing. To Sara, for a great artistic, and choreography direction. Ayona, for doing such a terrific work, and being such a trooper. Also: Avis, Krista, Drew, Nick, Eric, Yury, Galina, Bob, Jeff, Trish & Roe, Billy and Jonah W. You helped make it the most wonderful, crazy, stupid, weird experience. Moti aka Count D Lyrics: Count Dracula Style ha ha ha ha ha. Dracula style. I wake every night from a sleep in my coffin. Cause the sun light tend to burn my skin so often. Yes, I can use some fancy shmancy sun-block. But the best thing fo
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