Toshihiko Koga teaches Sode-tsurikomi-goshi method [English subtitles] 古賀稔彦が教える袖釣込腰【#07】JUDO

袖釣込腰 / Sode-tsurikomi-goshi 相四つ / Aiyotsu (Same grip used by both person) 古賀稔彦 / Toshihiko Koga The Sode-tsurikomi-goshi consists of lifting the opponent’s Tsurite (Lifting hand), spinning around to bring the opponent against your back and onto your hip, and then throwing him forward in a sudden motion. Due to its speed and beauty, this Waza is popular with all age groups, from children to adults. Although this Waza has a high degree of difficulty, any combatant who masters it will find that it adds another dimension to his/her attack capability. Recommended Playlist Judo Techniques Taught by Toshihiko Koga / 古賀稔彦が教える柔道技 #JUDO #柔道
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