Russia - Russian Bloody Assault Fails To End Siege
(19 Jun 1995) T/I: 10:21:32
DATE: 17 JUNE 1995
Russian bloody assault fails to end siege
Dozens of hostages were killed but the siege of the Budennovsk
hospital continued after Russian troops opened fire and tried to
storm the Chechen gunmen holding about 1,000 captives inside on
Saturday (17/6). The Russians launched an assault at dawn
supported by tanks and helicopters. Some of the hostages waved
white sheets from shattered windows and screamed for the Russians
to stop firing as rocket-grenades and machinegun bullets tore into
the building, which caught fire. The fighting ebbed after three
hours and both sides began talking by telephone. About 160 women
and children hostages were then released, many of them angry with
the Russians for opening fire on the hospital, saying dozens of
hostages had died. Others said the Chechens had treated them well,
sharing their food. As the negotiations dragged on, the Russians
launched a renewed assault, but this too failed. It’s believed at
least five Russian soldiers and ten Chechen rebels died in the
fighting, along with the unknown number of hostages.
(BUDUNNOVSK, RUSSIA 17/6) Soldiers run across open ground.
Soldiers massed behind wall. Civilians flee across road. Soldiers
cross road behind tank as they launch assault on hospital. WS
soldiers behind tank. Tank moving and firing. Hospital facade. Gun
flash from behind wall. Tracking shot of soldiers lying on ground.
Soldier on ground with telescopic sight. Hospital facade. CU
hospital facade with white flags. Tank with tracks off being towed
away. Casualty put in ambulance. Hostages led by nurse with white
flag. Group of released pregnant women. Woman with baby.
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