Aum (OM) Powerful Mantra for Self Healing Meditation.

Beautiful sound of the AUM MANTRA Paramhansa Yogananda strongly recommended the mantra, “AUM“ AUM can be chanted in three ways — through mouth, through mind and through one’s whole being. The first method is mechanical, second, mental and the last supramental. The syllable is composed of the three sounds ’A’, ’U’ and ’M’ – AUM. The notes of the first “AUM” are higher, and should be sung loudly. The second note-sequence is a little lower, and is sung more softly. The third sequence is lowest, and is the softest of the three. AUM (OM) is a sacred sound, syllable, mantra, and an invocation in Hinduism. AUM is one of the most important symbols of Hinduism. It is variously said to be the essence of the supreme Absolute, consciousness, Ātman, Brahman, or the cosmic world. Mediating Om or Aum chanting helps in improving concentration and memory and restore the balance of mind and energy of the individual. Meditation of Om or AUM on a regul
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