In this amazing presentation, Pastor Bohr shows how the story of David and Goliath is a vivid illustration of the battle between Christ and satan and a prophecy of the bruising of the serpent’s head at the cross and his final beheading at the very end. Many events in Christ’s life, including His birthplace in Bethlehem and the forty days of temptation in the wilderness, closely parallel David’s life, and He is even called in Scripture “the Son of David“.
Taking the place of Israel’s first king, Saul, who forfeited his kingdom by persistent disobedience and who, in cowardice, would not fight the giant, David thus became a representative symbol of Christ, Who, against all odds, slew the giant, satan, that our first king, Adam, fell to and Who thus replaced Adam as the representative King of the whole human race. His reward from the king for slaying the giant was great riches, the hand of the king’s daughter in marriage and freedom for his family and the brothers who misunderstood and doubted him-all symbols of the rewards Christ purchased for Himself and us. David also represented the Good Shepherd and Lamb of God by his expertise at caring for his sheep and risking his life for the flock under his watchcare. This sermon will encourage you to trust, not in any human armor, but in the power of the Rock/Stone Who fights our battles for and with us.
We can and must, in Christ’s Name, act with decisiveness and without hesitation in slaying the giant of sin in our lives, because satan is a defeated foe who already has had his deathblow bruise given at the cross and is numbed and powerless to overcome those “David’s“ who live by faith, as he awaits the final severing of his head at the Millennium.
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