Filipin0man’s From Solid to Gimmicky #1(B) - Rose Unblockable vs. C. Viper
A calling to beat cheap characters? Please.
HP TK whiffs, just run up and body it with a cr. fierce spiral if you think it’s coming, or react to it even.
LK BK gets hit, but of course, she’s cheap and airborne and flips out.
EX Seismo Feint allows her to throw, but you can tech. This can be solved with an option select throw.
Backdash can be option selected, but escapes if not option select.
11 years ago 00:00:16 13
Filipin0man’s From Solid to Gimmicky #1(B) - Rose Unblockable vs. C. Viper
11 years ago 00:00:58 59
Filipin0man’s From Solid to Gimmicky #1: Rose vs Guy Unblockable
11 years ago 00:00:24 30
Filipin0man’s From Solid to Gimmicky #1(C) - Rose vs Guile unblockable