Bring you down (Nala x Zira)

Okay, so first off thanks to kazooiie for helping me pick the song over skype, I swear if not for her help this video would be even more basic second this is another short n’ shitty viddie. Sorry. anyways, this is my headcanon! (Scar/Sarafina is canon. Shush) Story: Zira and Nala were secret lovers during Scar’s reign before Scar tried to force Nala to be his Queen, Zira saw this and became angry at Nala, but kept it inside and didn’t tell her what she saw. Nala is confused as Zira acts mean, cold, and distant. Eventually Nala realizes she needs to go find help to save the Pridelands, Yadda yadda. Zira gets with Scar out of spite, and now the lovers are enemies. Zira’s also secretly jealous of Simba’s relationship with Nala. Three masks by Trashanimash. Rest are mine
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