«Health Benefits of Macrobiotic Foods» (1-4-88)

Lecture on Macrobiotics (part 2) «Health Benefits of Macrobiotic Foods» was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, January 4, 1988, during the 5-day New Year’s Retreat «The Sacred Fire in Winter», at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. 00:00 Opening Invocation 03:30 Song 750 “Saint Germain, Hurl! Your Miracle Pouch” 07:04 Mantra “I AM a being of Violet Fire! I AM the Purity God desires!” 10:16 Teaching on singing the songs and releasing the sacred fire 11:55 Chanting the “Ur” (“Light”) 12:39 Song 361 “Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright” (Decree ) 15:41 Lecture 1:20:50 Song 471 “God and Goddess Meru” 1:23:25 Sealing Invocation to God and Goddess Meru *************************************************** - 750 - SAINT GERMAIN, HURL! YOUR MIRACLE POUCH Chorus: Introduction—6 measures, 3 beats, 4/4 time Saint Germain, Hurl! your mirac
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