Find My Way Home -Gregorian 432 Hz

I, as the producer of this video, do not claim any credit for the musical track playing in this video; and I DO NOT own any rights to the music playing in this video. My only contribution to this musical track was to convert it to the A=432 Hz tuning. The artist and the title of this musical track are explicitly stated in the video itself and in the description below as well. The purpose of posting this video in a tuned to A=432 hz format is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. “Credit goes to the labels and the artist. I do not make any money through my uploads whatsoever. This is simply experimental as well as educational as to the benefits of tuning music to 432 Hz as apposed to the standard 440 Hz in all music today including MP3’s CD’s , etc.“ “And Uk Tv & Radio“ Welcome to my channel, @ 432 Hz frequency sound pitch which is believed as an ancient medicine. By listening to it, music tuned to 432 Hz (8 Hz) would make us feel more calm and balanced. You have to
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