Endurance (1930)

Story about an endurance dance in the land of the “Free and Spreesy“ (America presumably). The dance lasted 1176 hours “and the girls stuck it even better than the men - “ C/U of the legs of a dancing couple. She wears a fringed “flapper“ style frock and shiny dancing shoes. M/S of the dancing couples holding each other up, exhausted. A woman shifts the weight of her partner who is obviously becoming very heavy as he is draped over her body. Various shots of the dancers. Some have sponsors names on the back of their jumpers including: “Petes Service Station.“ L/S of five couples remaining on the dance floor with a couple of judges standing by. Cut to another set of dancers looking fresh as daisies - seems to be part of the story missing. A man reads from a piece of paper as two of the dancers stand in front of him. Other couples dance behind. Dance marathons. Intertitle reads: “Lately, they’ve been discussing the relative endurance capacity of men and women - Today, where danger is, there you
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