What is STACK data structure in C++ Stack in C++ STL with Example
In this video, we are going to learn about implementing a stack using inbuilt stack class of C STL.
We’re going to implement the following functions:
Push(pushes element in a stack)
Pop(removes the top element from stack)
Top(return the top element present in a stack)
Size(returns the size of stack)
Is empty(returns a boolean value; to tell if a stack is empty or not)
Applications of stack:
Stacks can be used to check for the balancing of paranthesis in an expression.
Redo-undo features at many places such as editors, photoshop, etc.
Forward and backward feature in web browsers.
In this video, you’ll also learn about asymptotic notations, they are basically mathematical notations which represent order of growth of any mathematical function. There are three famous notations which ...
#ProgrammingKnowledge #Data_Structures_And_Algorithms #Data_Structures #algorithm #Algorithms #Algorithms_Tutorial #Data_Structures_Tutorial #Arrays #Strings #Stacks