NOT WORTH THEIR 2021 INFLATED PRICE TAGS. The classic bags I wouldn’t buy again :(

Designer bags that I wouldn’t buy at their new, increased prices. This ISN’T to say that I no longer think they’re not good investments - if anything, the price rises makes them EVEN BETTER investment bags to own! Certainly the Chanel classic flap and LV Alma BB are still in my top 5 bags to own for long-term use. This video is about my personal thoughts on the new 2021 prices - having owned and used these items, do I think the new prices are justified in terms of quality? And, would I pay these new higher prices now? To give you an idea: Chanel Classic Flap Jumbo - was £4,500 in 2016. Now £6,050 Alma BB - was £650 in 2017, now £1,030 IMO, I think the Chanel Classic Flap in the mini size and small are still at palatable prices! I am talking in this video very specifically about the Jumbo, which at over £6,000 I wouldn’t pay the money for, I’d get the small or mini instead :) Let me know what you think!
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