Warren Buffett: A “Storm is Brewing“ in the Stock Market (40% Stock Market Decline)

Download Buffett’s SECRET Investment Checklist for Completely free: Warren Buffett is prepping for a staggering 55 trillion dollar storm that has been brewing in the stock market for the last 15 years. Buffett’s favorite stock market indicator is flashing alarm bells, warning that a 40% decline in the stock market could happen any day now. For background, Buffet is by far the most closely followed investor in the entire world. Every move he makes is scrutinized to the very smallest detail. However, it’s not what Buffett IS doing now that has people worried. It’s actually the opposite. As wei...rd as it may sound, it’s what Buffett ISN’T doing that has people incredibly nervous. Make sure to stick around to the end of this video to find out how you can protect yourself from what’s ahead. Here’s what Buffett had to say at the recent Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder’s meeting when asked why he had been selling stocks and piling up cash. Warren Buf
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