Imam Alimsultanov - Во Имя Аллаха (In The Name of God)

Song by Chechen bard Imam Alimsultanov (1957-1996), called “In The Name of God“, rus. [«Во Имя Аллаха»]. By far one of his catchiest songs. Enjoy! Shahada/Testimony: “Ashadu an la ilaha illa-llahu, wa-ashadu anna Muhammadan rasulu-llah“ Transl; “I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the (final) Messenger of God.“ English lyrics: I want to enlighten you (There is no deity but God) How strongly we love our Fatherland (Muhammad is God’s final Messenger) How easily we give up our lives (There is no deity but God) For the freedom of our mountains and Fatherland (Muhammad is God’s final Messenger) We could not care less about our lives (There is no deity but God) For this life is not eternal (Muhammad is God’s final Messenger) It’s better for the souls to be in Paradise (There is no deity but God) And the body? The body is not forever! We
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