Parallel Universe in Super Mario Bros! (Gary’s Game Genie SUPER Code!)

In today’s video we’re checking out a Super Mario Bros. SUPER CODE, shared with us by viewer Gary Major. Using this Game Genie code, if you grab a mushroom, the upcoming part of the level changes as it loads. Sometimes it will load garbage, but other times it loads parts of other levels! Buy me a coffee: Support me on Patreon: CODES IN THIS VIDEO: Gary’s Code: 1/4 - SZGIEA 2/4 - PAGIOE 3/4 - NTGIUA 4/4 - AAGIKA The jumping code I used is AOAUIG, posted on the GameHacking site by KHS. Super Mario Bros Game Genie Codes for NES Nintendo FIND ME HERE: #GameGenie #SuperMario #Nintendo
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