TVD couples ● we found love ;;

HD! :) Dedicated to: Kristina K.[XoXoTVD] . There is [in vid] the most beautiful DE quote, dedicated to you, from me, and I truly mean it. I know how much you adore this song, so I found cover of it [because I luuv covers] and made it for you, babe. Волим те, but you already know that, the thing you can not imagine is how huge that love is. It can win everything in this entire world, and I’m so grateful, to God, for bringing you into my silly life. It’s easier to say it here, than in person, trust me. So, this is my way to show you how much you mean to me; video about our favorite TV Show ever. I will never forget our obsession with HP books, us singing RBD songs, and tears for every single DE scene. Never. So, yes, I love you my best friend, alwaysforever. Enjoy. ♡ About Video/ Couples: Made it with love. It’s 3 whole minutes. Wow, that’s raree. :D TVD is one of the best things in my life, because I met so many great, great persons, I got RT from Joseph Morgan [hot
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