Fog, I’m the one who made the bet,
and I know we’ll be exactly right on time,
Fog is my name and I could play with my life in many ways,
that’s what they say
Here I am - Rigadon,
I’m tico - D’Mascota,
It’s my turn the gentle touch
a Romy - they love me so much
Hey now they story must go on
’cause a lot of time has gone
we must be ready
to go away
80 days around the world
we’ll find a pot of gold
just sitting where the rainbow’s ending
time - we’ll fight against the time
And we’ll fly on the white wings of the wind,
80 days around the world,
No we won’t say a word,
Before the ship is really back
Round, Round, All around the world,
Round, All around the world,
Round, All around the world,
Round, All around the world...
When I listen to this song, I imagine a cheerful group of brisk boy scouts or young sailors. The world is for them and they go around the world....