My Dream Has Only One Enemy
У моей мечты только один враг
00:00-01:11 - Spinning on the Blade
01:12-03:31 - Hokori
03:32-05:48 - Fukutsu No Seishin
05:49-07:51 - Against Myself
⭐️ About idea, tracks and release:
Boosty - (For Russian-speakers)
Patreon - / tzi (For English-speakers)
🎧 My Music:
🥁 tzi - (Hip-Hop and EDM Instrumentals)
🎻 Roman Voropaev - (Orchestral and Cinematic Instrumentals)
🌏 All About Me:
🏄🏼 Roman “tzi“ Voropaev -
⭐️ Exclusive Content
Boosty - (For Russian-speakers)
Patreon - / tzi (For English-speakers)
🏮 Follow tzi
VK -
Facebook - / tzimusic
Telegram -
Instagram - / romanvoropaev_tzi
Twitch - / romanvoropaev_tzi
Discord: / discord
SoundCloud - / tzi_music
Spotify -
BandCamp -
🎧Listen to my music -
📧Email - tzioriginal@
💸 Donate / Поддержка
If you like my work and decide to support me financially / Если вам нравится мое творчество и вы решили меня поддержать материально:
Russia (CIS) / Россия (СНГ):
Sberbank MasterCard: 5469 5500 4866 3626
Tinkoff Visa: 4377 7237 6685 6011
Tinkoff Mir: 2200 7001 6184 0706
World / Весь мир:
Patreon: / tzi
Cryptocurrency / Криптовалюта:
Binance (My Pay ID): 532667583
📌Follow The Photographers
Authors of the Original Picture / Photo:
Spinning on the Blade
Seiya Maeda
Unsplash: @seiya_maeda
Instagram: / iam_maechan
Fabian Irsara
Instagram: / firsara
Fukutsu No Seishin:
Ryoji Hayasaka
Instagram: / hayakasa
Against Myself:
Jeremy Bishop
Instagram: / stillbish
I’m a composer, sound designer and musician! Do you need music for your project?
Contact me on my social networks or via email above!