Andy Samberg & Neil Campbell Talk Digman! and Their Favorite Indiana Jones Moments

In a world where archeologists are celebrities, and every bit as cool as you grew up thinking they were, there is none quite as well known as Rip better or worse. This is Comedy Central’s new adult animated comedy series Digman!, created by Andy Samberg and Neil Campbell. The series follows the once-great archeologist Rip Digman (Samberg), as he recovers from a personal tragedy and a tarnished reputation. Along for the ride and the adventure is Digman’s student, and now official assistant, Saltine (Mitra Jouhari). In a new interview with Collider, Samberg and Campbell sat down to discuss their inspiration for the show, following archeologist Rip Digman on increasingly chaotic adventures. The pair also discussed their long professional relationship, working with their all-star voice cast, the moments that surprised them, and their favorite Indiana Jones memories. #AndySamberg #NeilCampbell #Digman For interviews, movie reviews, and more visit
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