3 Amazing Experiments with Magnets | Magnetic Games

Thanks to for providing me with free magnets. Here are the details of the 3 experiments. Nails in repulsion. The nails are magnetized by the super magnet all with the same polarity, therefore between them there is magnetic repulsion and they are equidistant from each other going to reposition themselves after inserting a new nail. I used this magnet which is huge and very powerful, but you can do the experiment by scaling it and using smaller magnet and nails. S-70-35-N Spinning top with tractor beam A game of attraction and repulsion forces make the top stand at a fixed distance from the magnetic tower as if it were a tractor beam. Magnets to build the spinning top Inner Ring Outer Ring Tower cs-s-42-04-n Double Gauss Cannon this is a common experiment, but who had already seen the double Gauss cannon?
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