This Week in Volcano News; Shiveluch Erupts, Aniakchak Magma Intrusion

In the last week, the largest explosive volcanic eruption in approximately 15th months occurred, as the Shiveluch volcano in Russia produced a powerful VEI 4 explosive eruptions. This not only created a 19 kilometer long pyroclastic flow but also caused layers of ash as much as 6 inches thick to fall near the volcano. Elsewhere, a magmatic intrusion was confirmed at Alaska’s Aniakchak volcano at shallow depths, which in my opinion suggests that it is more likely than not to erupt in the next 5 years. And, in Katmai National Park, ash was resuspended in the air that was originally deposited during the 1912 eruption of Novarupta. Thumbnail Photo Credit: M. Patrick, U.S. Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Public Domain, This image was then overlaid with text in addition to GeologyHub made graphics. This video’s thumbnail image displays a photograph from November 29th 2022 when Mauna Lo
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