蘆薈石泥皂 - how to make aloe vera handmade soap, cold process - 手工皂

Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I’m a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. subscribe and click the bell for notification. If you are new to soap making, pls. make sure you read the SDS of sodium hydroxide carefully and put on your gloves, mask and google to protect yourself before starting. My auntie was rebuilding her garden and she found 2 plants of aloe vera there. She didn’t want to keep them in the new garden, so I picked them up and spent half day to turn them into juice and freeze for future soap making. 【配方/Recipe】 米糠油 Ricebran Oil: 900g 榛果油 Hazelnut Oil: 600g 椰子油 Coconut Oil: 450g 棕櫚油 RSPO-Palm Oil: 750g 可可脂 Cocoa Butter: 300g 99%氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide: 426g 冷凍蘆薈汁 Frozen Aloe Vera Juice: 852g 法國綠石泥
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