WORLD WAR 3 RUMORS! Fear Not, saith the LORD!

People are asking me if we are close to WW-3. I went to the Scriptures and was amazed at how many times God said “Fear Not.“ New Watchman series: Sitings, UFO activity, paranormal, spirit manisfestations. Freaky vid about lady. Amount of such is increasing because evil activity increasing. Bible says evil will increase, or we see more because of foto huts. Now we have CCTV, camera phones, Digital camera sensors picking up things. Some events purposeful. Poltergeist activity, shadow beings. Purpose: FEAR. Devi’ls tool. Afraid to say certain things. Paranoia instilled. Bible tells us over an...d over again, FEAR NOT. A firearm can help in some situations. God is for us. God took care of the giants in the land. The Last Enemy is death. Ps. 55. Is. 7:4. False prophets (Kingdom Now) abound on the net, asking for your money (seed). Is WWIII about to happen? How are Christians to prepare? Do we listen to Alex Jones? How about all the prophetic voices on You Tube? Kingdom Now folks--way off base! (Mike Lindell) Make Adams (Health Ranger) selling you everything. God has a recompense and will save you. Underground Churches? We let our Light shine, declaring from the roof tops! Father knows when a sparrow falls--fear ye not. We are more valuable. Jesus came to set a sword. But He will keep us through it ALL.
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