Pony World - Zecora - Memories of my Homeland

Introduction: 0:00 - 0:37 “Memories of my Homeland“ - 0:37 - 2:48 I have a bandcamp now. Huzzah! The Mp3 - The Wav - So we built this city on jazz and classical, and while those are two genres I intend to continue contributing to, if there is anything about me as a composer you should know it is that I refuse to get comfortable with business as usual, stylistically. And of course, Zecora is best zebra. This had to be done. The thing I love about Zecora is that within the show’s premise she serves not as a satire but a celebration of other cultures, something the main characters learn only by suspending their own prejudices. Though we don’t see that much of her character throughout the show, I find her’s to be rather compelling. A stranger in a strange land, she is, and this is a point wi
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