Tight rope thrills in Munich (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit High wire stunts performed by the Traber father and son in Munich, Germany Full Description: GERMANY: Bavaria: Munich: EXT MUNICH. Traber acrobatic father and son perform 230 ft up to top of Church steeple.. walk along wire blindfold.. on motor cycle forward in reverse with son suspended beneath on trapeze etc Good TIGHT ROPE WALKING. Traber senior and junior perform 230ft up to Church spire in Munich.. walks blind fold to top.. motor cycle act with on trapeze beneath then balancing upside down and reverse Very Good WIRE-WALKING. Traber family in Munich perform 230 ft up to Church Spire. walking blindfold and on motor cycle forward and reverse with son upside down beneath on trapeze Stunts, acrobatic stunts, tightrope walking, balancing Background: High wire stunts performed by the Traber father and son in Munich, Germany FILM ID: VLVA7ZP88KKSNX
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