The U.S. Is NOT “The Greatest Country In The World” & Here’s Why.

Often appearing on lists of the greatest scenes in television history, Jeff Daniels’ famous monologue from the show Newsroom helps lay out all the reasons why the United States is not “number one.” Except when it comes to incarceration and belief in religious nonsense, his character says. Jimmy, along with The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discusses this scene and its screenwriter, Aaron Sorkin. Follow Craig “Pasta” Jardula on Twitter: The Convo Couch’s YouTube channel: Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurt’s website: Become a Premium Member: Go to a Liv...e Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: LIVESTREAM & LIVE SHOW ANNOUNCEMENTS: Email: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: WATCH / LISTEN FREE: Videos: Podcasts: (Also available on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast player.) ACCESS TO FULL REPLAYABLE LIVESTREAMS: Become a Premium Member: SUPPORT THE JIMMY DORE SHOW: Make a Donation: Buy Official Merch (Tees, Sweatshirts, Hats, Bags): ? DOWNLOAD OUR MOBILE APP: App Store: Google Play: Jimmy Dore on Twitter: Stef Zamorano on Twitter: About The Jimmy Dore Show: #TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. The show is also broadcast on Pacifica Radio Network stations throughout the country.
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