I apologize, but in the last seconds of the choreography, our times do not match the beat of the ’re a little early.(Audio problems):/
Choreography of my own with the song “Habibi(je t’aime)“ performed by german-arab duo Milk & Honey(Anne Ross and Manel Filali).
From left to right:Cristiana,Telma and Sandrina.
2 weeks ago 00:07:57 1
Торт три стакана без миксера! Без весов! Сочный без пропитки Я в шоке от Вкусного Десерта на кефире
3 weeks ago 00:08:02 1
Блинчики на молоке и минеральной воде - Тонкие и нежные | Thin pancakes with milk and mineral water