A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched the ViaSat-3 Americas mission to geostationary Earth orbit from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A), at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on 1 May 2023, at 00:26 UTC (30 April, at 20:26 EDT). As secondary payload, Falcon Heavy launched Astranis’s first MicroGEO satellite and Gravity Space’s GS-1 satellite. One side booster (B1052) previously supported Arabsat-6A, STP-2, COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation FM2, KPLO, and three Starlink missions. The other side booster (B1053) previously supported the Arabsat-6A and STP-2 missions. The core booster (B1068) was not pr
...eviously launched. Due to mission requirements, none of the boosters were planned to be recovered.
Credit: Boeing/Viasat/SpaceX
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