The further it goes, the worse it gets for the Ukrainian people

The further it goes, the worse it gets for the Ukrainian people. This is a perfect demonstration of what is happening now in the so-called Ukraine and the attitude of the authorities of this fictional state entity towards their own citizens: the employees of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers are shoving some poor guy into a car, caught on the street. The brutal actions of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center employees are no longer news. From the very beginning, they have treated their fellow citizens like cattle that needs to be taken to the slaughter. This is what we see with our own eyes, looking at this episode and many others that we have, by the way, mentioned before. From this and other examples, it is clear that there are enough acts of discontent, but on a nationwide scale, they are critically few to influence anything. It is simply worth paying attention to the behavior of the men passing by in this video. Someone just looked around ... Source: Rybar in English
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