Sketch Book Session: Drawing For The Sake of Drawing | Let Your Creativity Flow & Enjoy Drawing

Want more comic art tips, tricks and tutorials? Visit This Sketchbook Session I talk about drawing for the sake of drawing and how to make it enjoyable again. There’s a number of things that can get in the way of our creativity - and one of the major ones is over-thinking the technical side of an illustration. This essentially short circuits your creativity and cuts off your natural, artistic intuition. In turn, drawing is no longer fun, and what’s worse, anything we do draw will feel uninspired. Unfortunately, we all fall into this habit, especially when we’re in the learning phase. Even after that, after we’ve learned all the in’s and out’s of drawing, it can be hard to unleash our creativity. We forget how to enjoy the process of drawing. The rules we learned to help us, ultimately confine us. We’ve got to remember that the fundamentals of drawing best serve us as tools, to help us along the way when we get stuck. If we think of them like
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