Sri Krishna Explained Quantum Theory 5000 Years Ago! - Secrets of Hinduism

Support us in our journey by clicking on the ’JOIN’ button on our page! On Screen: Abhishekh Sabrann Instagram: Our ancient scriptures revealed the secrets of the quantum universe thousands of years ago! Erwin Schrödinger, inspired by the depths of Hindu Vedas and Upanishads, pioneered a new realm in physics. Witness a modern echo of this synergy as Sri M astonishingly materializes a Rudraksha, showcasing the mind’s power in a display reminiscent of quantum phenomena. In this video we explore the startling parallels between the Mahabharata’s profound teachings and the complex world of quantum mechanics. Journey with us as we unveil how Lord Krishna’s insights on the battlefield resonate with the principles of quantum reality. Explore the enigmatic concept of Maya in Hindu philosophy, mirroring the elusive nature of reality in quantum mechanics. This journey through ancient wisdom and modern science
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